ELIGIBILITY AND SELECTION INTO THE PROGRAM? To be eligible, candidates must either live or volunteer in Orange County, New York. Selection for candidacy will be based on an application review and approval by the E.D.G.E. Advisory Committee. This program does not operate on a first-come, first-served basis. A maximum of 28 candidates will be selected for the program.
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: TIME COMMITMENT In order to achieve the Leadership Orange E.D.G.E. development objectives, it is essential for each individual to participate fully. If selected, this program requires attendance at the Opening Session on March 11, 2025, and you may not miss more than 7 hours of class time. By signing, you acknowledge that you understand the time commitment involved in participating in the Leadership Orange E.D.G.E. Development program. If selected, you agree to adhere to these requirements and to engage fully in the program to the best of your abilities. Failure to meet these conditions may jeopardize your graduation from the program. Please note that tuition and scholarships are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
FINANCIAL COMMITMENT Leadership Orange E.D.G.E. Development participation is limited to
employer-sponsored participants and/or individual participants. Fees are due within 30 days of confirmation. By signing, you indicate that you understand and agree to adhere to the
required financial commitment for Leadership Orange.
TUITION If accepted into the E.D.G.E. Development Class 2025, you and/or your employer will be invoiced for a tuition fee of $499.00 (plus a $20 non-refundable processing fee).
SCHOLARSHIPS: There are a limited number of need-based scholarships. Scholarships will be awarded once a candidate has been accepted into the program. To be considered for a scholarship, you must complete the scholarship segment listed on the application. Please note, we do not offer full-tuition scholarships, only partial.
I understand the goals and commitment of the Leadership Orange E.D.G.E Development Program and the attendance requirements. If selected, I will fulfill all obligations outlined in this application and will see to payment of my tuition upon acceptance. I acknowledge that I have completed the application and that all the information contained herein is true and correct. I hereby give Leadership Orange the right to make inquiries regarding the information provided on this application form.
Thanks for submitting! We will be selecting the class by Feb 13, 2025.
We will be in touch after this date.