Leadership Orange Signature Program
The Signature Program is designed to provide a diverse group of exceptional individuals, that either live or work in Orange County, with an in-depth understanding of the many challenges and opportunities within the county and thus enable them to better serve their own communities going forward.
The Signature Experience
Over ten months, 10 classes total, participants receive training from local business, community, and government leaders on topics important to the residents and businesses of Orange County. Topics include diversity & inclusion, education, planning & infrastructure, health & human services, government & politics, quality of life, economic development, leadership development, project management, and the judicial system. Each class includes educational presentations, role-playing, and roundtable discussions. And, participants will be challenged by putting their knowledge to work through fundraising, community service, class projects, and so much more – all with the goal of improving the quality of life in Orange County.
Prospective Participant Qualifications
● Are at least 21 years of age and live and/or work in Orange County.
● Are committed, motivated, and eager to serve in volunteer, appointed, or elected leadership roles in Orange County.
● Can commit the time and energy to complete the program and continue to serve the community.
● Have demonstrated community or career achievement appropriate to age and experience.
● Represent a cross-section of business, professions, organizations, government, education, socio-economic, ethnic backgrounds, age, and geographical areas throughout Orange County.
● Are committed to staying actively involved in the county.
Tuition & Scholarship
The Leadership Orange Signature program has a one-time tuition fee of $1,800 and a $25 application fee. Applicants who apply by May 31 will get a discounted tuition price of $1,700. Tuition includes all course materials. There are limited scholarships available to those who can demonstrate financial need, and the request for scholarship funds has no bearing on the selection process. Once you have completed your application, you will have the opportunity to complete a scholarship application form.
For Employers
Employers are investing in the future of their business and the future of our community when their employees participate in the Signature Program. By encouraging and supporting your employee to join Leadership Orange, you are nurturing our future leaders and providing them with skills and training essential to success both in the work environment and Orange County.

Applications are closed for the Class of 2025.
Meet The Class of 2025

Apply to the E.D.G.E Program-Applications will close February 10, 2025

Leadership Orange E.D.G.E Program
Educate. Develop. Grow. Evolve.
The E.D.G.E. program provides continuous learning and leadership development for all professionals.
This leadership program is designed to help business professionals maximize strengths, fill in development gaps, raise the bar on performance in current roles, and plan courageously and strategically for continuous growth and advancement.
The E.D.G.E. Experience
Join us for an engaging mini leadership development program consisting of five full-day sessions from March 11 to April 8, 2025. Each session will cover essential topics including leadership, mental health, conflict resolution, stress management, public speaking, communication, DEAI, and human resource challenges, among others. Enhance your skills and become a more effective leader while networking with like-minded professionals. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your personal and professional growth!
Eligibility, Tuition & Scholarship
To be eligible, candidates must work, reside, or volunteer in Orange County, New York. Selection will be based on a comprehensive application review by the E.D.G.E. Advisory Committee, not on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that tuition is set at $499 and is non-refundable, with a limited number of scholarships available. Class size is limited to 28 participants, so we encourage all interested individuals to apply!
Junior Leadership Orange Program
The Junior Leadership Orange program is a collaboration between the Orange County Youth Bureau and Leadership Orange for eighth grade students that attend school in Orange County. Students are identified as up and coming youth leaders in the seventh grade and formal training begins in the eighth grade. This youth empowerment program is designed to provide leadership skills, life skills, career exposure, and preparedness to youth who will potentially become the business and community leaders of the future. JLO (Junior Leadership Orange) effectively engages youth by challenging them to develop skills, gain critical awareness, and act as community advocates.
The JLO Experience
The Junior Leadership Orange program serves up to thirty-eight youth from sixteen different school districts in Orange County and operates during the academic school year. Students meet once a month on a school day and visit various locations in the county to attend interactive educational presentations. They meet with instructors and facilitators from a variety of sectors in leadership positions across Orange County and receive training in several areas including leadership, education and college readiness, the justice system, public speaking and communication, volunteerism, diversity, fiscal literacy, and quality-of-life.
There is no cost to schools, students, or families! This program is sponsored by generous contributions made by area businesses, organizations, and individuals who wish to make an investment in youth and the future of Orange County.
Applications are closed